We’re all used to tools like Google Analytics, Hotjar, Usabilla and alike. They help you to improve your website or app. They measure customer experience for you in so many ways you might not even think of as customer experience related yet. The crucial power of these tools is that they help you specify what and where to make changes for improvement, and if used correctly they help to improve your customer experience. Those kinds of tools are huge, everyone knows about them and most companies are using one or the other to their advantage.

How about physical environments?

Such elaborate tooling is not available in the physical world. In the physical world we’re still stuck with segregated data which lives in its own space and never crosses that unique boundary where you can utilise the data to such an extent that it allows you to optimize your customer experience. This is caused by several factors. First of all, it’s been a lot easier to measure how a website visitor interacts with a website than it is to measure how a visitor behaves in a restaurant. Such data collection in the physical world has therefore not been possible on scale and is more costly to execute. Secondly, no one stepped up as everyone was or is intrigued by the uprising of the computer, the internet or the metaverse. It is one thing to believe that the world will change (it will!), but it’s another to believe that people will only live in the digital matrix of the future. People will never stop going out to meet their peers, practice sports and have physical interaction. Not if we make sure that doing something physical will be a magical thing. And it will only be magical if we make it so.

“Experience is becoming the only thing that gets us out there”

How the world is changing

The changes are already happening, all around us. Experience is becoming the only thing that gets us out there. More and more we do all the practical stuff from our phones using the internet. We don’t go to a store to buy a new phone, we go to the store for the experience of trying the phone or having an employee help us choose the right one. We don’t go out eating to feed ourselves, we can easily order food or cook it at home. We go out for dinner to enjoy this experience, whether alone or together with friends.

Digitizing customer experience

As the physical world is quickly becoming more and more digitised, this opens up so many opportunities to an improved customer experience. We can already collect customer feedback using questionnaires to gain some insight into their experience. We can already see what customers ordered or how long they waited from our POS systems. We can already measure how crowded an area is or how long people have to wait. But what we cannot yet do, is gain insight into which of those elements are crucial to improve for your customers satisfaction. What is most important to be improved first and how will that impact our customer experience? Those questions are yet to be answered. And with Satys we’re on a journey to find the answer to those questions for our customers.

“What is most important to be improved first and how will that impact our customer experience?”

That is why we started with Satys. That is what we want to fix. That is how we add value to our physical world.

Satys. | Profitable insights from customer experience.